General dentistry encompasses various treatments aimed at preventing and treating oral diseases, ensuring early intervention when needed. It covers all aspects of preventive dentistry.
Services provided by General Dentists include:
Routine Dental Check-Up: Regular examinations to assess the condition of teeth, including scaling, polishing, and routine fillings.
Restorative Treatments: Procedures like composite fillings, GIC fillings, and other restorative procedures to repair damaged teeth or gums.
Surgical Treatments: Procedures such as extractions, incision, and drainage to remove structures in the mouth.
Endodontics: Treatment for tooth pain, including Root Canal Treatment to remove infected pulp.
Preventive Treatment: Services focused on maintaining oral health and preventing diseases like decay and gum disease, including routine examinations, hygiene therapy, and professional cleaning and polishing.
Ready to prioritize your oral health? Schedule a consultation with a General Dentist today and take the first step towards a healthier smile!